Thursday, 19 March 2015

Volcano Eruption Timeline

Term 1, Week 8 or 9

So, a few days ago Me, Tionee and Tyrone decided to do a Stop-motion Animation reassembling a volcanic eruption from underground
Here is the PPT, please read the disclaimer before proceeding

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Alfred Wegener - Continental Drift

Term 1, Wk 7  --  Phoenix L 9kmn T.C.

WALT: Today I am sharing my creation about continental drift, pangaea, alfred wegener & convention currents

How I made it is in the form of a Prezi Presentation (WIP)
What I've learnt is that Alfred Wegener was interested in Weather, climates and got a doctorate in Astronomy, He had a theory about Continental Drift, He read books and figured that Continents fit like a jigsaw and mountains line up when the jigsaw of continents were put together.

- PHoenix L